
Showing posts from December, 2022

Emotion Coaching

Image Oh, emotions. I really can't tell you how many times I have pondered on them: why they happen, their effects, what to do with them, what their purpose is. They can wreak havoc, bring joy, lower you to the deepest depths, cause everything to change among a million other things. They are kind of like wild stallions that left on their own will run free ,to the rider's detriment or not. I feel they are so misunderstood and mistreated by many. Some people just throw them in a stable and leave them there until they build up enough energy to burst out, just to be packed back in. Some people let them run wild. Some people have learned to ride and have trained them. These people- knowingly or not- have taken part in some emotion coaching.  In the words of Dr. John Gottman emotion coaching "uses moments of heightened emotion and resulting behavior to guide and teach the child and young person about more effective responses." (h

The Parenting Pyramid

 The Parenting Pyramid What if I were to tell you there were five building blocks to the mysteries of parenting?  Where have they been hiding?! Right? Well, kind of right in front of you. We talked a little about the base of the pyramid in my last post actually- at the bottom of the pyramid is our Personal Way of Being. This is who we are including how we are caring for ourselves, the thoughts we are having, the decisions we are making. Who we are influences everything in our lives including our parenting. It also influences our relationships with others, such as our spouse.  Did you know that "the marital relationship is the central relationship in the family; in significant ways it colors all the others." (  )My husband is a marriage and family therapist who sees time and time again children who are directly and strongly impacted


 Step 1 for Parenting: Self-Care Have you ever tried watering a plant with an empty can?  That seems silly doesn't it.  How about caring for a child after getting a smidgen of sleep and not mentally taking 2 seconds for yourself?  Yep, I think a lot more people would say yes to that second one.  The two scenarios are different at first glance but really they are very similar. How can you give from something that is empty? I love this quote by Marion G. Romney: "Without self-reliance one cannot exercise these innate desires to serve. How can we give if there in nothing there? Food for the hungry cannot come from empty shelves. Money to assist the needy cannot come from an empty purse. Support and understanding cannot come from the emotionally starved. Teaching cannot come from the unlearned. And most important of all, spiritual guidance cannot come from the spiritually weak." As silly as the first scenario seems there are many, ma