Emotion Coaching
https://stock.adobe.com/search?k=wild%20stallion Oh, emotions. I really can't tell you how many times I have pondered on them: why they happen, their effects, what to do with them, what their purpose is. They can wreak havoc, bring joy, lower you to the deepest depths, cause everything to change among a million other things. They are kind of like wild stallions that left on their own will run free ,to the rider's detriment or not. I feel they are so misunderstood and mistreated by many. Some people just throw them in a stable and leave them there until they build up enough energy to burst out, just to be packed back in. Some people let them run wild. Some people have learned to ride and have trained them. These people- knowingly or not- have taken part in some emotion coaching. In the words of Dr. John Gottman emotion coaching "uses moments of heightened emotion and resulting behavior to guide and teach the child and young person about more effective responses." (h...